Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mark's new book: "The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation"

After the 30-Day Challenge has ended, Mark Sisson is releasing his new book and is giving all of you another chance to start over with a primal way of living. Here is what he has to say about his book and his plan to get it on the New York Times best-seller list. Please be aware that all his special offers only apply to book orders placed in the United States.

I’ve got a special announcement today. Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, has a brand new book out called The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation. It’s a practical, action-oriented guide for how to eat, exercise and live Primally – a step-by-step, “cut to the chase” resource to make a smooth and quick transition into a Primal lifestyle. In it he tells you exactly what to do every day for 21 days to take control of your health for the rest of your life. Mark explains what this new book is all about, what’s in it and who it’s for here.

Mark is looking to score this book on the New York Times best-seller list to gain exposure for the Primal Blueprint message, so he’s put together a loaded special offer. Basically, you order 1 or more copies between October 18 and 24, email your receipt to a special email address and Mark kicks you back a bunch of freebies. It’s a win-win. You get a great book for less than 15 bucks, and a bunch of free gifts, and you and Mark both get to help take the Primal movement mainstream. Check out the details of Mark’s special offer below and pick up a copy of the book today. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Was bedeuten die Biosiegel?

Wenn man im Supermarkt einkaufen geht, ist es oft nicht einfach, die besten Produkte zu identifizieren. Bei der Fleischtheke kann man noch nachfragen. Wie ist das aber mit abgepacktem Fleisch oder Obst und Gemüse? Woher weiß man da, unter welchen Voraussetzungen diese Produkte entstanden sind? Eine Hilfe dabei sollen die Biosiegel geben. Doch was bedeuten diese genau und wo sind die Unterschiede?

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to stay healthy despite having a desk job

Cornelia Menichelli  /
Having a desk job in which you sit 8+ hours a day is not the healthiest way off spending your day at work. We all know that. Our ancestors most definietly didn't spend much time on sitting and even if they did, it wasn't in a completely unnatural position as we use it. The sitting position causes your hip flexors to be tight and overactive while your hip extensors are being lengthened and weakened. Your glutes and hamstrings are completely inactive over the whole time. In addition to that most of us don't sit straight with tightened back muscles. Most of us rather slump which can lead to pain in your back and shoulders. So what can we do about all that?

Wie man trotz Büroarbeit gesund bleibt

Cornelia Menichelli  /
Wir alle wissen, dass ein Bürojob, bei dem man 8 Stunden oder mehr am Tag sitzt, nicht gerade die gesündeste Art ist, den Tag zu verbringen. Unsere Vorfahren haben ganz sicher nicht den ganzen Tag gesessen und selbst wenn sie saßen, dann nicht in so einer unnatürlichen Position wie wir. Sitzen spannt den Beugemuskel der Hüfte an während der Streckmuskel lang und schwach ist. Die Gesäßmuskeln und die hinteren Oberschenkelmuskeln sind ebenfalls komplett inaktiv. Zusätzlich dazu sitzen die wenigsten von uns wirklich gerade, mit angespannten Rückenmuskeln. Viele von uns hängen einfach irgendwie in ihrem Stuhl, da dies gemütlicher ist. Dies kann zu Rücken- und Schulterverspannungen und -schmerzen führen. Alles in allem also keine wünschenswerte Situation. Was können wir also tun, um diese zu verbessern?